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2022-2023 P-EBT information:

Stay tuned for updates!

2020-2021 Pandemic-EBT (P-EBT) information:

P-EBT benefits were issued from the end of July to October. The benefit amount will be determined on a month-to-month basis according to the student's listed enrollment with the school. In order to qualify, a student must be enrolled in a K-12 program, must be 6 years old or older, and qualify for free/reduced lunch. The benefit amount for each student can differ based on their enrollment status throughout the school year. The benefit amounts are as follows:

  • Hybrid - $61.38/month
  • Virtual- $122.76/month
  • Summer - $375 to cover the entire summer
    *Child must have been enrolled for more than 50% of the month of June and qualify for free/reduced lunch in order to receive this benefit. 

The status of each student is reported to reflect the status the school listed for your child (Hybrid or Virtual), for that month, based on enrollment. School closures, and individuals or specific classes having to quarantine based on a recommendation from the Department of Health, DO NOT count towards the hybrid/virtual enrollment status. Additionally, if you chose to keep your child home, but did not go through the proper channels to enroll your student as virtual, you will not qualify for the virtual enrollment status.