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Child Study Team

The child study team (CST) is a multidisciplinary team of personnel who are responsible for identifying children who have educational disabilities. Our goal is to identify and provide appropriate services for children with an identified educational disability. The child study team develops educational programs and support services for children with educational disabilities. The child study team consists of a school psychologist, learning disability teacher consultant (LDT/C), social worker and where appropriate, speech/language specialist, physical therapist, occupational therapist.

The child study team’s primary function is to evaluate and design appropriate programs for children experiencing learning and /or behavioral difficulties which impact their education. If a child is found eligible for special education an Individual Educational Program (IEP) is designed. The IEP team which includes the parent(s) of the child, classroom teachers, and the CST work together to develop an IEP based on the educational needs of each child.

For more information please call 609-296-2858, option 6.

Preschool Program & Child Find

Tuckerton Elementary School District offers Preschool for students ages 3-4yr old. We serve preschool children with disabilities as well as typically developing preschool children. Preschool disabled children must be at least 3 years of age and can begin preschool on their 3rd birthday. Typically developing preschoolers must be 3 years old by October 1st to enroll. 

Parents who are concerned that their child may have special needs can request help from the school district’s Child Study Team. Our goal is to identify and provide appropriate services for children 3 and up that are demonstrating a developmental delay in one or more areas. If needed, evaluations and program services are free of charge through the Tuckerton Elementary Child Study Team.


Phone: 609-296-2858 x6
Brianna Gibaldi
Supervisor of Special Services/School Social Worker


Samantha Medica
Occupational Therapy


Melanie Cudnik
Speech Therapy


Evdoxia Szczotka
Speech Therapy


Dr. Michelle Fontana
Physical Therapy