School Nurse
Welcome to the Nurse's Office
Hi! I am Cindy Zumbo, RN, AKA “Nurse Cindy”. I am in the building Monday through Friday from 7:45 AM until 2:45 PM. As the school nurse, my primary goal is to ensure that all students are healthy, happy, and ready to learn.
In addition to providing first aid care, treating injuries, and giving medications, I also:
- Conduct yearly state-mandated health screenings (such as vision, hearing, height, weight, BP, and scoliosis screens for the 5th graders)
- Help manage chronic illnesses such as asthma, food allergies, seizure disorder, and diabetes by creating Individual Health Plans and communicating with parents and other healthcare providers
- Educate staff, students and families on infection control in the school setting
If your child is sick, please do not send them to school! Your child must be fever-free for
24 hours prior to returning to school.
If your child will be absent, please call 609.296.2858, Option 1 before 8:30 AM. There is a
24-hour voicemail so you may call and leave the child's name, grade and teacher, and reason
for absence. If your child is absent 3 days or more, we will need a doctor’s note for them to
return to school.
Prior to any medications being given (prescribed or-over-the-counter) we must have a
completed Medication Authorization Form filled out, signed and dated by both the parent
and the medical provider (see “Health Forms”). Medications must be properly labeled with your
child's information and in their original container and must be brought in by a parent/guardian.
If your child has a chronic health concern, such as food allergies, asthma, seizure disorder, or
diabetes, we will need your doctor to fill out and sign an emergency treatment plan specific to
your child (see “Forms”)
Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns you may have. The nurse's office
can get very busy–and I may not be able to get back to you right away–but I will always answer you back. Have a wonderful day! 😊
Yours in good health,
Nurse Cindy
About Me
I have been an RN since 1993 and received both a BA in psychology and a BS in nursing from
Wayne State University in Detroit. I’ve been an ER and Detroit Public Health Nurse and have
worked in a variety of other nursing settings. I am also a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (MSU
2006). I became a Certified School Nurse in 2015 and never looked back!
I truly love what I do and believe that kindness, compassion, laughter, and creativity is the best medicine. In my spare time I hang out with my husband, Joe, and our menagerie of 3 dogs, 14 chickens, a feisty parrot, and various aquatic creatures. I'm also a stained glass artist, yogi, and avid reader.
Feel free to stop by and say hi! I look forward to meeting you and children and working with you so they can be healthy, happy, and ready to learn.